Friendly Palmera

Permanent Supportive Housing, Community Spaces and Services

Located in Palmdale, CA, Friendly Palmera is a new multi-family residential project that provides affordable family oriented residential units with common amenity spaces, landscaped courtyards, and supportive services. The proposed project includes two “courtyard” buildings, each ranging in height from 2 stories to 6 stories, that frame social outdoor spaces. These residential common courtyards connect to interior amenity spaces, including a community room, laundry rooms, lounge, and residential lobbies. The massing strategy also protects these courtyards from regularly occurring strong southwestern winds and shades residents during significant portions of the day. An athletic court at the primary 9th St E frontage, is available as a public amenity to the broader Palmdale community and adjacent residential neighborhood. The façade design was inspired by nearby residential influences and color schemes that occur in nature. The overall mass of the façade is broken down through a varied exterior wall rhythm and differing balcony conditions.

Palmdale, CA
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