Gateways Hoover Restorative Health Campus

100 bed SUD/Outpatient Intensive Program and 25 bed CRTSR program, community and support spaces, open space.

The Gateways Hoover Restorative Health Campus creates a holistic environment for those suffering from mental illness. Through the integration of biophilia and a variety of interior and exterior spaces, the project fosters healing, community, and well being for the residents and staff. Envisioned as a campus, it speaks to the power of community in helping to provide support and restorative environments for those who are in the need of most assistance.

The Campus resides adjacent to the Hollywood Freeway, between the mixed use corridor of N. Hoover Street, with its heavier traffic and larger building fabric, and Commonwealth Avenue, a single family residential cul de sac. Embracing the changing topography of the site, the project responds to the respective contextual scales, transforming from a 3-story mass along Hoover Street, to a visible single story within the residential community.

The new development houses two distinct areas, a 100-bed SUD/Outpatient Intensive program and a 25-bed CRTSR. Each program is given a distinct identity while still contributing to the overall restorative health campus.

Los Angeles, CA
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