Restorative Care Village at LA General Hospital

300 units of permanent supportive housing with wraparound services.

As part of a broader healthcare district, the project creates a socially woven livable place enmeshed in helping people heal through a holistic and restorative environment. Building on the social concept of Radical Hospitality the project takes an expanded view of whole health and well-being to allow residents to live a fuller life.

Central to our proposal is the holistic integration of architecture and landscape. The project organizes itself as an “urban courtyard block”, maximizing the perimeter area of the site to house 300 residential units and supportive programming, while also maximizing contiguous landscape area in the form of a communal landscape.

The spaces — be they urban, site, or building — work to engage the wellness of each individual, rejuvenating the psychosocial, physical, and mental health of the residents. On a regional scale, the project engages the urban fabric, stitching into the neighborhood and activating the street and the varying scalar adjacencies of the site. At the building level, the design creates and engages 1) multiple scales of open space, porches, and loggias, 2) landscape at all levels of the building, 3) public art placemaking,4) modular construction logics strategically married with social programming.

Los Angeles, CA
Century Housing
  • NEXTLA Honor Design Award, AIA Los Angeles 2022
  • Design Award, Southern CA Development Forum, 2022
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