The Willows Bridge Housing

75 beds of permanent housing and supportive services for individuals experiencing homelessness

Chief among barriers to permanent housing is the blistering psychological trauma of homelessness, and its severe negative impact on the individual’s identity and self-esteem.For those experiencing homelessness, Bridge Housing fills a critical transitional space between life on the streets and permanent housing. In collaboration between District 3 LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s office and LA Family Housing (LAFH), a successful model of complimentary public/private partnership was applied to ‘The Willows.’ An existing one story 16,000 Sq. ft CMU building, set within a transitional intersection of light-industrial and residential zones, was renovated to provide sleeping areas for women, men and couples, a lounge area for group gatherings, as well shower, bathroom and laundry areas. A dining hall/ lounge area and outdoor patio was provided for social gatherings, alongside a dog run and pet facilities for those with animal companions. While unassuming on the exterior, the interior amplifies elements of trauma-informed and biophilic design, providing residents with an engaging and multi-sensory healing environment, balancing privacy and personal space with opportunities of choice for levels of socialization.

Canoga Park, CA
Many Mansions / LA Family Housing
  • Community Impact Award LA Business Journal 2022
  • Design Citation Award, AIA Pasadena Foothill 2022
  • Residential Design Award Temporary Housing, AIA-LA, 2021
  • Adaptive Re-Use Design Award, So. CA Development Forum, 2021
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